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Resource Library

Devotionals, activities, Bible Guides and so much more. Our library will continue to grow so be sure to check back to see what's new!

Choose a free resource below to grow in your faith!

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My Identity in Christ

Now more than ever teens face the question of who they really are. This simple, but powerful devotional is a great resource to ground your identity in Christ.

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Growing In Faith

As young believers of Jesus Christ, it’s important to understand what faith is and how to grow in it. 

"Growing in Faith" is a fantastic opportunity to learn about how your faith guides and secures your life and future.




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Faithful Steward

As followers of Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. This includes not only our material possessions but also our abilities, opportunities, and the very minutes of our days.

Many more resources coming soon!

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Did you know? Our new app features a forum to post thoughts, photos, videos and links? Start a conversation today!

Our Latest Devotionals

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Your support to our ministry allows us to supercharge our efforts in getting the Gospel out to the world. Whether that's supporting missions and events, providing Bibles to those in need, creating outreach ministries or enhancing our on and offline services. Your support goes directly to promoting God's word to the world. Questions? Contact us at

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