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Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters

Current Openings

Music Director
Reports to: Pastor and Staff Parish Relations Committee / Ministry Committee

This Position is part-time, non-exempt

Position Summary:
To promote leadership in developing and implementing the music ministries of New Brighton Methodist Church (NBMC) and to actively engage the congregation in worship through music.

General Description:
The Music Director is responsible for providing the leadership in all areas of music. He/she is to use this position to develop an adult worship choir who is able to sing songs from a wide variety of musical styles. The position of Music Director is a leadership position. The members of the choir as well as the members in our pews look to the Music Director for musical proficiency and spiritual inspiration. The Music Director shall work with the pastor and work in cooperation with the church organist. All duties are to be executed from a Christian and Wesleyan Methodist perspective.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Coordinate music at all worship services including any vocal and/or instrumental performances. Work
with the Pastor and Ministry / Mission Committee in planning. Coordinate music, media and overall worship service with Pastor and Media Director. Possibly provide musical accompaniment for services, weddings, and funerals. Direct the Chancel and Bell Choirs (when scheduled) in their delivery of music for each Sunday worship service September - May.

Recruit and encourage musicians, both vocal and instrumental, within the congregation and promote the
music program. Maintain weekly chancel and bell choir rehearsals in preparation for their delivery of music for each
Sunday worship service and communicate as needed with choir members via email. Select and purchase choir music within budget. Plan special music for weekly worship services and special occasion and holidays (Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc.).

Shall be responsible for ensuring that a replacement Organist is available in the event that the Church Organist will be absent from a given Sunday worship service Complete check requisitions, as required, for any guest accompanist.
ï‚·Catalog and organize all music resources.
ï‚·Oversee the care and upkeep of all instruments.
ï‚·Provide the music to the organist / accompanist well in advance
ï‚·Provide the secretary and the Media Director with song lyrics and other bulletin information.
ï‚·Participate in the weekly staff meetings.


New Brighton Methodist Church

ï‚·Be an active participant of the Ministry and Mission Committee.
ï‚·Attend continuing education events as approved to enhance and improve job skills.
ï‚·Assist the Pastor with other ministry projects as needed.
ï‚·Offer suggestions and observations which would improve NBMCs music ministry.
ï‚·Assume such other duties as may be assigned by the pastor.


A degree in music education, music performance or equivalent experience.
Enthusiastic with good verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to actively engage the congregation during worship through music.
Ability to give and receive constructive criticism.
Ability to promote harmony in the workplace by maintaining good working relationships and supporting staff decisions.
Ability to give detailed attention to the duties for which he/she is primarily responsible while offering
imaginative and creative thinking to the overall vision of NBMC.
A commitment to spiritual growth which will enhance the basic theological outlook of the NBMC.
Additional instrumental ability is preferred, but not required


Terms of Employment:
Hours: This is a part time position requiring approximately 20+ hours a week, the majority of which to be
worked at church. Regular office hours will be maintained. Work with the Pastor, Organist, Media Director
and Ministry / Mission Committee.

Clearances: Must maintain all clearances as required by the Global Methodist Church’s Conference Protection Policy.

Salary: Salaries are reviewed by the Staff Parish Relations Committee annually. All requests for personal time must by approved by the Pastor. There is no paid over-time.

Benefits: There are no benefits for part time employees. Two (2) PTO Sundays annually, which do not carry over.

Supervision: The Director of Music Ministries is directly accountable to the Pastor for the satisfactory fulfillment of all functions and responsibilities in consultation with the Staff Parish Relations Committee.



Resumes/cover letters should be e-mailed to

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