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Embraced By Grace


We invite you to experience a journey into the mind of the apostle Peter. "Embraced by Grace" is a devotional from Peter's point of view after he denied Jesus three times and how he was restored by the grace of our Lord. #jesus#christianity#christianmessages#christianmotivation#devotional

Devotional Reading: John 21:15-19

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

My heart is heavy as I recount the moments when I, Peter, denied our Lord and Savior, not once, but three times. The bitter pain of that memory still lingers within me. But, I have been blessed by the forgiveness and restoration offered by Jesus, and I am compelled to share my story with you all.

After Jesus' resurrection, He appeared to us, His disciples, on numerous occasions. One such meeting took place on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. We had been out fishing all night, catching nothing, when the risen Lord appeared and blessed us with a miraculous catch. As we gathered around the fire, Jesus turned His attention towards me.

"Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" Jesus asked. I responded without hesitation, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He then said, "Feed my lambs."

He asked me this question three times, and each time, I assured Him of my love for Him. It was a humbling and painful reminder of my denial, but also a moment of divine healing. Each affirmation of my love for Jesus served as a path to forgiveness and restoration.

As Jesus reinstated me to my role as an apostle and shepherd of His flock, I experienced the depths of His mercy and grace. It was a profound lesson in the boundless compassion of our Lord, who knows our weaknesses and failings, yet still reaches out to rebuild and strengthen us.

Through this experience, I have come to understand that our faith is not measured by our past mistakes, but by our willingness to accept the forgiveness and love that Jesus offers. In our moments of weakness and failure, we must remember that His grace is greater than our sins. He is ready to restore us, no matter how far we have fallen.

As I moved forward, transformed by the love and forgiveness of Jesus, I embraced my calling as a leader and servant of His people. I found a renewed sense of purpose in following Christ, knowing that His grace is sufficient to overcome all of our shortcomings.

Beloved, I encourage each of you to open your hearts to the healing power of Jesus' forgiveness. No matter what mistakes you have made, know that He is waiting to embrace you and rebuild your life upon the solid foundation of His love.

Remember that Jesus does not ask for perfection, but for a heart that is willing to be transformed by His grace. In our moments of failure, let us take courage in knowing that the risen Lord is with us, eager to restore and renew our lives in ways we could never imagine.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

In His Service, Peter

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1 Comment

Judy Bobak
Judy Bobak
Apr 01, 2023

Loved the story and the way it was told by Peter. It wasn't long and drawn out at one time and would enjoy reading of the Bible in this fashion.


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